
Don’t Miss Your Filing Date. File Early!

This is a gentle reminder that our nation’s filing offices can see hectic volume in the fourth quarter and year-end is the busiest time for corporate filings. With the last day of 2023 falling on a Sunday, it’s possible that the last business day of the year in some jurisdictions will be December 28. Our advice: Don’t wait!

Longer than usual turn-around times in many jurisdictions is expected. In addition, please keep in mind that several states use the date that the document is actually processed by the filing office (rather than the date of submission) as the date of filing which makes Secretary of State office delays even more significant. We encourage you to be mindful of these hurdles as you’re lining up your end-of-year filing tasks.

Don’t let seasonal jurisdiction obstacles set you back! Be sure to take advantage of our extended after-hours of 7:00p – 10:00p Eastern by emailing your request directly through orders@capitolservices.com or by calling 800.907.2380.

We’re here to help. Contact us today so that we can get a strategic plan in place for your December projects.

More tips can be found here: https://bit.ly/2Py8dZV